
8 generations of our family men were entrepreneurs in various fields such as Agriculture, Craftsmanship, Chemical Industry, Construction and Energy. We are proud to continue the legacy of creation and service to humanistic ideals mankind. 

Contact us

Dr. Gleb Evtushenko

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), MBA
Chairman of the Board
Head of Consulting and ESS division

More than 25 years of experience in managing large-scale construction projects, leading teams of over 1000 employees, and delivering over 100 successful projects.

Having a Doctorate in Science and a MBA. I have published numerous articles on hydraulic engineering as well as energy infrastructure. Founder of AEMA (2011) and currently serving as Chairman of the Board (2023).

Maxim Evtushenko

Head of Renewable Energy Department

Enthusiastic about new professional opportunities and committed to continuous learning. With an international academic background and a passion for excellence, I bring adaptability, critical thinking, and curiosity to my work.

Member of the Green Party of Finland since 2023.

Gleb Evtushenko

Overseas Director
Head of Steel Division

Committed to excellence and sustainability in the Steel and Renewable Energy sectors. At Aema Steel, we deliver top-quality steel solutions that enable clients to build with confidence, providing robust foundations for maritime and on-land projects.

Aema Steel prioritizes greener trade practices, from promoting low-emission cold-formed steel to shipping via LNG vessels. Combining expertise with forward-thinking solutions, we strive to make a lasting, positive impact on both the environment and the industry.


Founded as a family business

Aema and partners



Energy Stored by ESS Solutions



Steel Delivered



CO₂ Emissions Reduced Annually



Counties we operate in

Bridging Expertise and Innovation

Delivering Tailored Solutions for Growth